Tommy Crashwreck

I've done it witha girl, intercourse-wise

Doesn't sound like it's up for discussion. Tasha, a yes or no question has been opened to you. It doesn't matter if you answer or not. What do you do?

Phillip Glass is twee? The definition thickens…

Seriously, though. Is this a review of the movie, or the DVD? And shouldn't they get separate grades? Because "Revealing Featurettes" and producer's commentary don't really sound like a compelling reason to buy the hard copy of a classic film. Maybe we should be talking about that; for example, we could discuss if

Don't worry, it's supposed to go back up to 70 this weekend. Of course, I live in the Pioneer Valley, and it's usually a little warmer here than in the East. Fuck that, though, I'm still wearing shorts despite the low-60s tag

OO revealing featurettes… now THAT's why I rent DVDs

Time travel reveals to me, a Future Man, what was apparently once a terrible, terrible comment system

I really liked Interpreter of Maladies, but I haven't read the Namesake. Is it worth my time, or should I just read this instead?

Wasn't there a flying blue otter with the voice of Rachel Weisz though? She's not the same gender as Luke!

The entire time I was watching this, I had the same conversation over and over and over again:

Maybe it was just never as good as we thought.

I'm leaning toward worst.

I saw it as a kid and thought it sucked, and then saw it last year with really low expectations and was extremely impressed!

I'm boooored!
This is BOOOOORING! I'll call you back when I'm not so BOOOOORED!

I can very easily see why someone wouldn't love Horses in the Sky… it's really weird, sort of plodding and definitely sinister folk-post-rock accompanied by a guy yelping about really depressing subjects, for 7 or 8 minutes per track. I liked it, but I'm not going to say my friends were wrong if they didn't like it,

So who wants to tell me what actually happened to Ray's Collector's Edition that makes it a worthy namesake for an album?

For me
I liked Horses in the Sky, although nobody else I know did, even including my fucking crazy brother. This sounds so, so good that I can't wait to listen to the whole thing.

I'm gonna bet centimeters is the other side, and she's 63 inches tall.

Well, did you read the article or see the picture at the bottom? He obviously has no taste in anything, let alone spouses. Myself, I like them bitter.
