Tommy Crashwreck

Wasn't this Giorgio Moroder's first Academy Award?

Cover Art
Is the record cover supposed to be a painting of Coruscant?

When I reference that, nobody ever thinks it's funny. Everyone just thinks I'm a sexist and a sexist with poor taste.

Importance of being Firstest
Algernon. Oh! it is absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one should read and what one shouldn't. More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn't read.

She's dead. That's why she didn't come.

Well, it was supposed to say "First to come over her dead body"

To come

Did anyone (everyone) here read the "Worst Band Names of 07" list? Try listening to Best Fwends… they sound exactly (exactly) like this. And they both suck. But on any given day I'd actually rather listen to Best Fwends, because they clearly don't give a shit, while these guys give at least three shits.

Electric Dick Translation,

You know what's mindblowing? I didn't really like it. Maybe if there was some noticeable depth to the music, I'd enjoy it more. That said, I'll check out this and McLusky, since nobody I know listens to either. Judging an artist by one song is bad and bad.

I found this guy to come off as really self-important. Not least among these was his embrace of the Dave Matthews Band, but neither was it first.

IN 2007
"Portal: It's Cool, It's Short, It's $20"

Either I wrote Bret's response, which I don't think I did, or I'm not alone in this. If Option A is correct, then I need to reevaluate my take on the fact-or-fictionality of Christopher Nolan's passable 2000 film Memento, starring Guy Pearce, Trinity, Cypher, and The Brunette Detective from the Vegas CSI.

For what it's worth
This and Reaper were my favorite TV Clubs while they were both around, and I don't even own a TV, so thanks for writing these, Noel! It was like a hybrid of snarky album reviews and weary sports journalism, or something. Well, that and a tip-off to The Likes of You's "Blowin' in the Wind" cover,

Nah, nearly all my exposure to musicals outside of the occasional film version is via horrible community theater, viewed from the pit. I guess the addendum I should have attached is a "I have seen," following each instance of the word "musicals" in my above post. But hey, I guess the less text I type, the more

I hate musicals. Pretty much all musicals, without exception.

Not even the AV Club supports the AV Club's choices for 2007's best music? Someone explain this to me; I'm dumb.

The American Snickers Marathon is an energy bar, they're protein-enriched and made out of that alien wheat or whatever whey is or something. Most backpackers live on them.

So far:
Count is one take-down of Mary J. Blige, which just says she's annoying, one response to that comment calling her boring, and one opining chuck-in who says he doesn't like her music videos, versus four comments in favor of her music, two of which adamantly and aggressively insist that AV Club comment-writers

Letterman's ingrown hairs.