Tommy Crashwreck


prp H winz 4 da dizzay

In fact
I'm ugly, and so is everyone else!

Thom Yorke? Really? I thought he was mousy, weird looking, and old, with bad teeth. Also, aren't Tegan & Sara identical twins? I might be (probably am) wrong, but if they're identical twins that's pretty funny that they're at different spots. Also, Amy Millan is ugly.

I disagree with almost every entry, either in the fact of its presence or in its placement with regard to other albums, but not only do I refuse to give specifics, I'm also going to be the first to say it doesn't matter at all, to anyone, what I think. Not even I care.

DADA means nothing! It is nothing! I added nothing, but there was nothing to add!

Yeah, I see what you mean. My two cents didn't constitute an argument with your opinions so much as they did my offering of a little factoid that you seemed to be missing, which might have helped you better come to terms with Mr. Dylan's approaches to his own music.

Shit, ZFORZENDEJADADAS destroyed modern English with that one.

Die In A Fire, so your first was closest.

To coriander: Dylan regards Hendrix's version as definitive, and literally does cover Hendrix covering Dylan, although it's more along the lines of performing his own song as arranged by someone else.

Man, Brad wins and Santos wins again!

I was gonna "Ask the AV Club," but then I spent about 30 seconds of dedicated effort and found:

DIAF? Are you the Internet Ghost of 2002?

Unless it's now a character flaw to fall in love who subsequently turns out to be your half sister, pretty much only that one sheriff was anything other than a virtuous and pure beacon of God's light in Lone Star. BOTH times I saw it.

IN 1996
Lone Star? I've seen it a couple times, and it's not too bad, especially technically, but I'd be hard pressed to say I enjoyed it. I mean, the movie's various little twists just reveal the lighter side of the human experience, and pointedly suggest that everyone's a good person (except Charlie Wade, and nobody

Everyone hates Wes Anderson these days.

tgus drumk

Whatever I saw of this, whiskey seems to have erased.

I LOVED Quantum Leap when I was a kid.

I hate Sam. He's like that "New Haircut" YouTube guy; he's just a caricature that I assume is intended to simultaneously revolt and amuse everyone he encounters.