Tommy Crashwreck

If marketable, well-known personalities weren't actually well-known or marketable, then maybe this entry would be justified, but it's just Macy(*)s spending money to prove that they carry products associated with famous people, and that's been selling products since the dawn of America's gloryescent

A few items
Here are my unjustified and possibly incendiary viewpoints/opinions:

Seconded, shiza.

I think you meant "too"…

What's an avid subscriber?

All the girls in the room kept saying that Bianca should go because she's such an obviously awful person, and I said that I think it's a show about being a sexy model and not an agreeable person. Two of them called me a sexist!

I did the line-in thing with my Journey records, Electric Light Orchestra, some Grover Washington Jr, Thriller, etc., stuff I got at thrift shops and music I had no interest in purchasing first-hand. They all still sound pretty good, but even with practice it takes about two hours to rip one album. A little time

wait a second
So it's good, right? It's balanced, moody pop, which is what the band does best, and has catchy songs with darkly colored pathos-ridden songs on the other end of the scale? But it's a C? I'm not following; is there more to this that detracts from it, or is "what the band does best" inherently worse than,

I put this whole thing into a word document. It's 300 pages, on the dot, of 12-point Times New Roman. Well played, sir, I now love Fall Out Boy.

Since the original National Treasure convinced me not to go to the college to which belonged the dorm room in which I viewed aforementioned movie, I have just about no respect for the "made for families" argument that Jables is making. Disney wasn't really making a kid's movie this time, and so they

I don't really like King of the Hill
and I'm just going to restrict my opinions to that. Just kind of announcing that it does, in fact, have detractors.

I'm proud to say
I have never even heard of Tyler Perry. Yesterday I saw a documentary on the blaxploitation films of the 70s and this sounds like the same thing except adapted for witless, shitty dramedy instead of action-adventure.

My opinion
In this specific instance, my impression of a song dictates a heuristic which I will chauvinistically apply to an entire genre through proof-by-assertion rhetorical fallacy to denounce an entire loose subgroup of pop culture.

I go to college and live in Massachusetts… I swear all the time. If Jesca Hoop is reading this, I'm sorry dude, you have good music, I just wasn't particularly engaged by your show. Asking audience members to guess what your songs are about and then telling them exactly what you meant afterward has a tendency to

I just watched a trailer
The trailer for this movie hit pretty much all the major plot points. It was weird… less like a preview than a playbill.

I saw her live, too
But when I saw her live I thought she was boring as fuck.

I will always love this movie. I am not trying to be cool, or humorously skewing the facts, when I say that I honestly wanted to be a gang member when I saw this and thought they always glowed in black light. I was maybe 8?

I'm don't think people should stop having babies. I don't think people should stop having abortions. I don't think people should stop having points of view. I don't think people should stop having religions. I don't think filmmakers should stop putting out documentaries. I don't think Rory was kidding. I think