
That's a good point, even if I think Kara's character up until this point should show us to see the actual motivation behind a poorly worded objection. I think a lot of my frustration stems from James himself not seeing the difference between an elite team of operatives trained in fighting aliens and a guy who knows


I agree, I thought the pop culture references were there purely to show that their characters were "hip" and not actually used to add substance to the line. Especially the "Red-haired Ansel Elgort" line and the athlete/artist comparison of James Franco. Those two dudes look NOTHING ALIKE and James Franco is the

How do you get through an entire review of this episode without mentioning Raven kicking down a door, seeing a vagina, and then beating a guy with his mistress's high-heeled shoe? That story was more riveting than the plots of 90% of the shows vying for an Emmy nom.

Saw the movie last night and really enjoyed it, but my friend posed a question that I haven't been able to wrap my head around: Do we think her college-aged daughter is real and a product of her marriage to Hutton? Or is she a product of Susan's lack of sleep, guilt over the abortion, and self-insert novel reading?

I assume Maggie went to the DEO instead of a hospital because she was shot by a cyborg and not your typical handgun, so they probably wanted to make sure she wasn't about to turn into a cyborg herself or like, explode or something.

I wish we could've seen Rachel and Quinn running things for at least a little while longer before Chet stepped in and screwed it up. Also, there's no way they'd allow him to shoot and edit his own show on the network's dime. These productions are budgeted to all hell and are on tight schedules - there's no way Chet

How come Jasper is able to spend so much time with the delinquents and no one realizes something is off about him, but Kane can recognize that Abby is chipped in .2 seconds? Is Jasper just THAT good of an actor?

I would totally be on board with Raven as the next Commander. Techheda would kick ass.

That was the most unearned "Finally!" in overused television cliche history.

I'm getting the sense that they're attempting to show that Bellamy is in love with Clarke (what's with all the longing looks, y'all?) but they're not writing Clarke as reciprocating those feelings at all.

That bugged me, too. They kept showing Unidentifiable Dark Hair Chick, but only showed Monroe - someone we actually knew - once.

I've just started mentally replacing the phrase "my people" with "the nookie." It's made scenes make 100x more sense.

I agree with this. It's really bothering me that Clarke hasn't called Bellamy out for his shit. It's all soft eyes, apologies from Clarke, and reassurances. Homeboy slaughtered an army because he was sad and ruined everything you've worked for, Clarke. YELL AT HIM!

DWVCVG is correct - I was mostly referring to the situation where an 18-year-old girl holds the dying bodies of two of her romantic partners.

I don't know if I can imagine Clarke having another romantic relationship at all, as dramatic as that sounds. Poor girl has had the last two people she truly cared about die in her arms. I'm pretty sure that warrants giving up on love entirely at the age of 18.

I'm going to try real hard to keep watching The 100 after last night, but it's going to be painful and I'm not sure my fragile heart can take it.

What's interesting to me is how Lexa had Aden promise Clarke that should he become Commander, his allegiance will be with the Skaikru. If Lexa is the first Commander to bring peace, that must mean that her personality works simultaneously with the AI, or else why wouldn't all of the Commanders before her have the same

I spent the last half of the episode with my hand firmly placed over my mouth. First it was from sheer and utter glee because ET and ADC have the most beautiful chemistry that I've seen on TV in a really, really long time. Clarke's swift eye-cut when Lexa almost says "I love you" and Lexa's single dropped tear and

Thanks a lot, Satan.