
Okay, y'all. Explain something to me like I'm five…

Post-apocalyptic Camden Yards Colosseum is quite possibly the best idea anyone has ever had, ever. They revere the statue of Babe Ruth as some sort of god.

This fucking show, y'all. I don't think my heart rate has gone back to normal yet.

They're married now, right? Like, that was 100% marriage vows. "I will treat your needs as my own, and your people as my people. In sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live. Amen."

Polis was mentioned at the end of last season, when Lexa and Clarke are preparing for war. Lexa invites Clarke to their capitol because it will "change the way you see us." (or something, can't remember the exact line.)

The "Good." after that line was so. freaking. perfect. What did we do to deserve a character like Heda Lexa?

The general consensus is Baltimore, based on some prop maps that the writers tweeted out about the tunnels that align with the present day subway maps.

Eliza Taylor is a goddamned revelation.

I hope we get to see more of Clarke's drinking game skills in the future. I bet she wrecks at flip cup.

"Clarke, I'm gonna be honest with you. Your lady business smells like pure gasoline."

The "My back's not big enough." line made me choke back a tiny sob. Clarke Griffin has become one of my all-time favorite TV characters, and I'm so glad she (and this wonderful, underrated show) is back.


My thoughts exactly. Other than the kidnapper's parents doing the raising and a lack of gingers, it's almost the exact same plot. I'm surprised more people aren't picking up/commenting on the connection.

The scheming to get Stefan was so ridiculous, I'd blacked it out. I feel ya.

I agree with you, save for the "Katherine was a terrible mother" front. I mean, I get it - Katherine didn't give two shits about Nadia until the very end, but in her defense, she'd gone 500 years thinking her daughter was slaughtered along with the rest of her family, and then suddenly this full grown woman shows up

Maybe she just got fat.

Oh, how I wish it would've actually been Kirkpatrick that showed up. The skit itself was hilarious, but actually having him show would've put it over the top.

Wasn't a fan of most of the dances tonight. Save for Fiction's (nope, still won't) solo, which was incredible, nothing seemed to really hold my attention. The Tyce disaster number was as heavy-handed as I have come to expect from him. I wish he'd go back to the old school, Season 2 "Why" days, because that's my

Mine, too. This dance is what hooked me to this show (and, almost rabidly, to Allison and Ivan.)

Whenever I'm feeling a little too optimistic about my life, I watch her elimination and her "goodbye" dance around Travis and sob uncontrollably. Biggest tragedy in SYTYCD history. Though, if we're being real, she's had a far more lucrative career (at least, in terms of exposure - movies, commercials, all-stars, TV