
@haysoos. i think it is just an overall parody of those shows. At first it was a parody of "who wants to be a Millionaire" which was clear (similar set, originally hosted by Regis). Then they took it and added Alex Trebek for the Jeopardy homage. Lastly, the pure chance and randomness of it adding with the bimbo

@Howlovely, my opinion on Kenneth is that he is a lot like Britney from Glee. Its great if you have them for a few scenes in an episode, but they are not great characters to work more than the random show around. Kenneth is better (obviously) to work an episode around, but he is still best in the background and

Maybe I am looking into it too much, but was there some sort of subtle joke about the west wing (which is known to be liberal…and jack isn't) since he directed her to the east wing? I am probably reading WAAY too much into that one, but I wouldn't put it past the writers.

@Guest. I agree with Hornberger. He keeps getting better. I also think Jenna has gotten consistently better but started to plateau about a season or so ago. Jack has also gotten better.

Wolfman, where do you think she got the inspiration from her pictures???

Ha. Snugglesaurus Rex is right. I watched this one twice to get all the jokes.

@Juan, its very possible that Colleen did not see the televised event or hear about it. It doesn't seem like she watches a ton of TV and she lives way far away anyways. It doesn't at all seem like a stretch that she didn't hear about it.

I have never seen the mentalist but simon baker is good.

you know how much this show cares about continuity…

@ElisaQ. very good point. As long as you have a religion, you are accepted.

when I am tired, those squiggly symbols on the computer look funny to me too…

@ElisaQ…this is their holiday episode and they have already made it clear they don't care much for such things as facts, continuity, and actual dates of holidays.

Lets not go into the whole gift exchange with Sue…

@Gorpomon, yes. they all have the same basic idea of what Lima Ohio is (and I agree, they are very off on it), but outside of that they differ a lot. I think they all have the same long term goal for the characters (or at least similar) but they all take different ways of getting there and there is a consistency

When they had the first mention of Mall Santa…My thought was "oh, the britney plot this week will be she still believes in Santa and no one wants to tell her". Its sad how accurate I can be from just a few seconds…It just goes to show how ridiculously predictable this show can get.

HEY! we take our usernames from the same show! At least you lived till the end.

Mimi. You are 100% wrong pretty much everything.

@jjjjjack. I guess I just disagree with you on this season. This episode wasn't amazing but the last 3-4 before it were some of my favorite episodes of HIMYM. HIMYM got so caught up in getting plot driven with stella and getting character driven by developing all these characters that it forgot to shout "wieners

@Thelonius, excellentt point. people who were TRULY waiting for the mother, I am surprised you lasted so many seasons. The show is not truly about "HIMYM" but that is just the setting for all of this. It is a father reminiscing with his kids about his times in his 20s and 30s…So its like friends through flashback

I disagree with DeGroot. The unreliable narrator gives a sort of realism to the show that I liked. After this episode I sat back and realized that the narrator (AKA Future Ted) was a completely omniscient Narrator…Omniscient narrators are perfect for pieces written from a 3rd person perspective (like Arrested