
exactly. This guy clearly doesn't understand rising action and its purpose. To many Jason Statham movies? Well, even those have some Rising action. You can't just rush into a climax either. With a serial like "Freaks" or "The Wire", each season has one big arc that is the big climax of the season. Admittedly,

@Some Jerk, there is still a latin pronounciation of Janus. Latin still exists today, spoken and taught. Its used by the catholic church, and its phrases are used not only in our every day lives (carpe diem), but by the marines (Semper Fi), and by our schools and states (Sic Semper Tyrannus, Veritas Christo et

@mr. greene, it probably would, especially if you know the original pronounciation.

Where I went to college, the lunch "meal" on the meal plan was about 6 bucks. For that, you could get a drink, egg roll, and 2 entrees from the Chinese place, or you could get 6 pieces of Sushi and a small drink. I always went for the Sushi. Even average sushi is better than average chinese food and some of the

@idiotking. I agree, he handled it badly and shouldn't have lashed out but I really don't blame him.

@DUHR, they are STILL trying to do that. The Book of mormon affected this season too. They still have to go to NYC every so often to work on he show which affects their writing schedule. Plus, they generally give themselves 2 weeks for a season premire and then a 5 day comedy retreat to sketch out some of the basic

its subtle enough that you don't appreciate the humor of it the first time and it is not often done well/

The twinkie weiner sandwich is funny (disgusting looking but probably horridly tasty like the big mac doughnut).

@3rd prize, some of the best movies and TV shows are not ridiculously good at the beginning, in fact most pilots are not good. Shows build and thats whats great about them. Pilots and the first few episodes figure out what works and what doesn't. The best shows don't always have the best pilots like the best movies

Clever episode
I thought this episode was clever in quite a few subtle ways:

your former boss is dealing with a media firestorm?

So "Anal Beads" is your real name?

@JP, absolutely correct. A boss that mandates anything stupid like that is a bad boss, but it is 100% legal and holds up in court. An employee was fired by his boss in South carolina for having a podcast critical of free speech. Now, these kinds of cases can easily go to court for higher unemployment benefits or

@dantebk, I agree.

Hick mouth breather
Anyone notice that the hick kid Wayne D was wearing a Lebron Jersey? There has gotta be some sort of subtle joke in that.

@dygitalninja, it can't be stella.

If they have material, tangible assets that they brought to USA, then they have a case

ratings anyone?
There were a couple things Glee did that annoyed me with this episode.

Not only does a show have to earn it like community (and they executed well when they encountered death this season), but it has to be well executed and I didn't feel that this moment was. It felt rushed, made to seem inconsequential, and overly melodramatic. A show SHOULD have some drama at this moment, but it just

I am not too optimistic about Fringe surviving, just because I am of the opinion Fox tends to Axe shows too early because of not having great ratings and ignoring ratings potential, and any taste.