

well…if you have irrational hatred for the Zoey character and want to stab her in the face, then obviously you are not going to like this season…And emphasis on how irrational a hatred of this character is and how ridiculously asinine it is to hate a show because of a presence of the character.

Agreed. I am a sucker for that too…and I am a sucker for whenever they create memes.

wavering interest in the show
I generally have agreed with Todd's rating on Dexter. I LOVED the ending of the 4th season and loved the first episode or two of this one…but then it got slow. I don't have showtime so I have to watch it online. Its not the only show online I watch and often when I make a decision to

You put it perfectly todd. shows considered "underrated" often "feud" with shows considered "overrated" (it seems like I used a lot of quotations, but there is a ridiculous amount of subjectivity and personal bias involved that it must be done)

Mimi…maybe it is accurate and possibly consistent, but its hard to believe that exact scenario is accurate…especially since the incident was before Finn/Rachel were an item.

Captain T…not really. @Cptn T and @ McPickle: Community fans are just Arrested Development fans 2.0. there is NO way Community becomes AD, but the similarities (very well written and acted show, low ratings, little awards recognition)

I am newer here and just starting to figure out the Karla.

I think I read one of his christmas reviews or one that mentioned his christmas reviews and you are right Nathan Ford's Evil Twin.

Sad…It sounds a lot like Heroes 2.0

Karla Ha Ha. I thought it was pretty clear that the latent homosexual bit was a joke.

community is just streets ahead of glee…

I haven't seen no ordinary family. I am sad its disappointing. That show oozes potential.

Alain…well, at this point the whole incident with her getting pregnant is over a year old and soon, her pregnancy will be a year old. If she still had the baby, it would be one thing. However, why keep bringing it up when it isn't even there? There is no point in that. I do think though that the way they ended it

Karla Ha Ha. I would say its safe to assume that since Karla is in your name, you are female. Please DON'T try to speak for males who think that she is hot. you may point to it and say I may be a latent homosexual, and that may be. However, that latent homosexuality doesn't come out when judging hotness…because I

Rocky Horror:

I have heard people call it Madden 2k1. I personally don't but don't make blanket statements like that then.

you are right. I posted this at the first shot of the apartment. the entrance in both is on the left side if I remember correctly but the left side IS changed. that being said, the main living area looked exactly the same so they probably just used furniture that they used before or updated an old set.

Wow…Jack, I disagree with everything you said, and I have seen some of your comments on here and you tend to be the kind of cynical person who is critical for the sake of being critical.

I agree with isjoe. stop being so dickish just because some "snobby rich girl" was in the episode.