
Well, sure, but it was never explicitly explained. I mean, I get why, because the show WILL come back to it at some point, but right now, we don't know exactly what is what.

Does anyone else see the juxtaposition of the fact that what provoked Alicia to go with Cary was the realization at the end of last season's last episode, with the possible voter fraud stuff, that she would forever be tied to her husband at LG, and yet here, pretty much the only reason her new firm will get off the

I don't think there's any fraud involved in what he's doing. Unethical, shady, and unseemly, sure, but fraud?

Cool on being the same, and also cool on the firm being so swift. Gotta be on top of stuff.

I agree. I'm just saying I get it in the context of what happened on the show.

I get that.

I guess I'm just saying I get the anger.

Are you the same Adam B. from DKE, lol? If you have no idea what I am talking about, nevermind, but if you are, I like you so much more now that I know you watch this show.

I coulda sworn he was there tonight. He should have been there at a few points last season, but he wasn't, so…

He didn't hit her. He threw some stuff. That's really so out of bounds? It's not nice, but it's hardly in the same league as a dozen other things.

The Kings have said that they looked into how this stuff is usually played out when it happens in real life, and they found out that it can get really crazy. It's not a surprise people throw stuff.

Good point.

Technically, he hasn't rescinded the offer, right? I mean, we just saw him asking Eli to get some other names*, and we did see Diane acting as an attorney again, but they didn't explicitly show the offer being revoked.

Such a good episode.

Not one person has mentioned the part where Canada is mentioned?

I think Kurt's character is pretty well written. There are people with his beliefs, and I'm pretty much the exact opposite, I could see having a nice conversation with him. He looks sane and civil.

Can I also compliment the writers on the misdirection, both in the form of Diane thinking Alicia was downloading her files to keep her clients at the firm, when we had been led to believe from previews that it was about the new firm, and the partners calling the fourth years into their offices over the prank? Very

Which begs the question, just what will happen to her now? I guess it's possible she'll get confirmed, but even if the show ends this season, that's still a lot time for her to do nothing on particular. I had wondered if the show would make her go with the guys to the new firm for some reason, which would be a very

I wish we could have more information on her firm. From the looks of her office, she's not at the toniest of firms. It looks like she has no particularly specialty, but is instead skilled at thinking through each case and seeing potential loopholes.

That makes sense.