
Basically, it was to embarrass the firm, which might give clients that were on the fence a reason to jump.

You'd think more people would be familiar with Elsbeth's reputation. Because after so many impressive victories, wouldn't she have a good one?

I have to think the Scott Walker stuff was completely garbled and they meant something else. There was a very brief mention of the cops being unhappy with pension reform or something in the first episode of the fourth season, but other than that, there was nothing that I can remember about that sort of thing. And even

She has marks on her hand. The big head of hair/wig blocked her facial wound, most likely.

I don't have that much hostility to the review or the reviewer, but I more or less agree with you. I'd like to see some improvement in the dialogue and have a better sense of how the format will be shaken up, if at all, but we're four episodes in. Give 'em a little time.

I don't get why it's so weird that he would keep something from each victim. Seems like something a serial killer, which is what this guy is more or less, would do, and one big reason why the FBI might be interested in finding him.


The character's name is Raymond Reddington, and people say Red as a nickname.

That'd be a good idea to break up the case of the week format.

I say give them time. If it's still as undeveloped at the end of this season, that's one thing, but it's still early.

Looked fine to me.

The director is listed incorrectly. It's Vince Misiano, not Joe Carnahan.

She's from the FBI, so I don't think she has to worry about being fingered as a suspect in the same way a regular person would be.

I didn't think last week's episode was that bad. Not great, but decent enough. The previews made this week's, which I have not seen yet, seem promising, but then it gets a D+ here. Next week's look interesting, too, but after that…

Also, Becca is never totally irrelevant. Because the thought of Eli Gold getting tripped up by that bad dye job is really amusing.

A little surprised it never crossed Alicia's mind that her mom paying all of that money would show up during ESTATE PLANNING with David Lee. People have brain farts, but that's a pretty big one.

Speculative garbage?

Man oh man, the comments for this show are negative. I don't think it's a great show, but then I thought Alias was largely overrated, even if the action was, at least for a time, awesome.

Maybe I am being dense, but does anyone else think it's possible that Peter really didn't know what was going on?

Maybe I missed something, but it's not clear he knew what was going on.