
I find it annoying because it's probably part of it but not all of it. It's one interpretation, but an obvious one.

Okay…if I recall correctly, there was some guy asked to testify in the back and forth over the big box of votes on behalf of Peter's campaign that identified himself as a Republican, meaning his affiliation would make him more trustworthy. But then, at the end of the episode, what appears to be the same guy pops up at

Well, it makes more sense when you think that they are trying to find something that isn't too downscale AND not get locked in to something that makes them unable to leave if/when something better comes along. Premium office space, which is what they are after, is probably harder to come by.

Is it possible that he needs to access one computer to access another computer? I'm sorry if that's a dumb suggestion, but as I said elsewhere, I don't know how this stuff works.

I agree the balance is good. There's nothing really wrong with it, but the show would be giving itself more room if it didn't stick to the format so rigidly.

Which is a subsidiary of CNNBCBS, a division of ABC, which is owned by the Sheinhardt wig company, which itself is own by the government of North Korea.

I should probably try to check this, but I thought the Republican poll station guy who testified on behalf of Peter's campaign that he didn't do anything wrong showed up at the victory party, an indication that there probably was something shady planned. (Then again, I forget how much Alicia knew of the potential vote

I'd love to read that interview. In my mind, making it all about love and not about professional connections is kind of weak.

I would love love love for this show to become slightly more serialized. I think they are leaving something on the table by not doing that.

To riff on/steal a line from "Will & Grace," when Nathan Lane is gay, his gayness can be seen from space.

It's a shame more young people aren't watching, if only because that would mean the Kings would be in business for even longer, on this show or another.

It happens, and it's entirely understandable. There's something to be said for the idea of standing up for your family, even if your methods aren't the best.

With all of the firm vs. firm stuff, it's probably harder to find something for her to do. Once they are closer to the usual structure, it'll be easier to incorporate her.

A few things…okay a lot of things, in no particular order:

You'd need consent from that lawyer board to buy out another firm?

True, but being tied to her husband was part of it.

Also, that's WAYYY too obvious a plot line. I thought that might be where the producers were going, based on the mega clips we got at the end of "Hitting the Fan," but once again, the Kings were good with misdirection, just like they were with Diane questioning Alicia about downloading her files, which we thought

What about Collin Sweeney? Or is he in jail? I forget.

Maybe it's just extended misdirection. It's entirely possible they are flirting in the sense of it not leading to sex, but it seeming like it might based off of body language. I mean, even if Carey Zepps and the Indian lawyer are young, they can't be THAT dumb, can they? You don't make moves on any girl in that

The biggest problem for me is with the expansion plan. Like you, I thought of LG's previous bankruptcy. They just lost ChumHum, as well as possibly three other major clients. I guess it's possible to have the resources to make the sort of acquisitions that will make up for that quickly. At the beginning of the show,