
It's not at all impossible for the system to be fair and valid. Those involved just want it to be, so it's not going to be unless it's forced.

Well, yeah…although it seemed the show was blurring the distinction between polling place and ward.

It's possible, @destructive recovery, that a bunch of ballot boxes were dropped, but not all of the votes would have been for Peter and there are only so many ways to add votes before things get really suspicious. Chicago is a big city, but it's not that big. An extra 200,000 votes, let alone 500,000 votes, can't just

Jackie is rich, and I am sure he has some access to that money.

I also love how the Kings had Estelle Parsons wear a beret, like she did for so many seasons on Roseanne.

Elaborate, please…

I've said for some time that I am pretty sure there's an open federal case against Peter, based on something Kalinda's lesbian federal agent said to her back in season one. It's entirely possible I'm forgetting something, but if it'd be kind of cool if the Kings had a fairly solid long-term plan in mind. I could see

It is Chicago, so how about she sees a nice doctor. Is Doug Ross available?

The whole ballot box stuffing was kind of unclear. Unless I missed something, it all came from one precinct—or was that ward? Are they different? The way the show described it, it was a shit ton of votes from area that wouldn't have that many—I think. And let's assume for a moment that the vote is being tampered with

I don't remember if it was established last year that he was in AA, but at the SPD/Catholic ball thing an episode of two ago, he didn't order a drink when he could have, so at least this wasn't entirely out of thin air.

But as I said below, consider David Lee's over-the-top reaction. It's fine and even understandable to play hardball. It's also fine to give nothing at all. But was it really necessary to demean those ladies like that? And perhaps more importantly, were they really asking for anything that the firm couldn't handle

I get why LG wouldn't want the employees to unionize. Even employers that treat their workers well, like Starbucks, find it easier to do things without them. (Whether or not that's a good thing isn't clear, or even the point; having total control, whether you are acting good or bad, is just easier.) But the reaction

Where did you hear that?

I guess, but still, would it really be that bad?

On an unrelated note, did anyone else notice Morena Baccarin looked like she put on some weight from the last time she was on this show and from the first season of Homeland, which I have to get back into watching? I mean this as a compliment: she looked good before but now she looks incredible.

Isn't that why she got him drunk?

Can I say that maybe, just maybe, Peet being an ex-military girl means she isn't as concerned with hair and make up as others were? It's not as if she looks ugly, just kind of…old fashioned, like the sort of woman who used to wear her hair tied up in a bun pony tail thing, like military women are portrayed on

Before anything else, I just have to ask, would The Vampire Diaries fan fiction (and man oh man, was I hoping Diane was the one that wrote that stuff) crap really be a big problem for her? David Vitter was diapered by a prostitute and then there's this, perhaps even more relevant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Serious question: now that she has had her suspicions all but confirmed, can she do anything without jeopardizing herself or her career?

At the same time, why replace Kalinda? There's just no reason to, at least none that the show has established. So while you are spot on as far as corporate code goes, it wouldn't make sense in this show's universe.