Bernardo Bertoluccis Pizza and

I also think they avoid sequels because they frankly are just more interested in making ORIGINAL films.

Other than TOY STORY 2 and the upcoming TOY STORY 3 (though upcoming could be used lightly since it may come out in 2010) I have noticed that Pixar has stayed away from making sequels.

Any guy that casts Albert Brooks in their movie is cool by me
Cannot wait for WALL*E and think that it will save my summer for movies which has been somewhere between shitty and dreadful.

You stole my thunder BigO. That is one film I am dying to see. How the fuck is that not still on dvd?

How about the worst? Marlon Brando in Christopher Columbus: The Discovery
So fat, so bad.

Steve Martin in The Muppet Movie
Another great one.

Robert De Niro in ANGEL HEART?
Would that fit the bill as well? Again billed as a "Special Guest Appearance" by.

Come on that scene with Steve Martin was comic gold. I can't believe they missed that on this list. Come on AV Club.

Return to Oz is fucking awesome. It scared the shit out of me as a kid and still has some incredibly creepy moments. The room with all the heads.

He was 12 when the movie began and turns 13. And I think Hanks was amazing in the film. You actually - or I actually believed that he was a 12 year old boy trapped in the body of a 30 year old. And there are plenty of people at that young age that wouldn't know they were being sexually propositioned… at least in 1988


Rygar I respect your opinion for the film - everyone can't be pleased - even though you are probably still a major douche. No offense.

Pilgrim, I respect your awesome and honest movie taste. What are your thoughts on my OTHER favorite movie "Big"? Don't worry I have plenty of pretenious, artsy favorite films as well. But if I needed to watch two movies for the rest of my life on a deserted island it would def. be "Midnight Run" and "Big".

Don't think it's overrated at all. The combination of action and comedy I think are better then any other action/comedy to this day. But at least you give it an "awesome".

Pilgrim show some love to MIDNIGHT RUN!!!! In my opinion as good of an eighties film as there is, and yes I am factoring in classics like RAGING BULL and PLATOON and LAST EMPEROR.

Remember when Tom Hanks touched her boobies in BIG? I remember seeing that in the theater at 5 and getting a boner even then!!


Here's a new one, best buddy pics.

Total Recall
Totally underrated when it comes to Sci-Fi or in this case "Fantasy".

If anyone can find online the original ending to "Big" where Elizabeth Perkins turns into a little girl I would be amazed and maybe give you head. Don't think it exists though online.