Bernardo Bertoluccis Pizza and

I know they really screw you don't they?

Scotty Brennen: See that girl over there in the red? Say "hi" to her and she's yours. She'll have her legs around you so tight you'll be begging for mercy.
Josh: Well, I'll stay away from her, then.

Anyone else see "Big: The Musical"? I remember seeing a sneak preview of the show and it was god awful/extroadinarily tacky. I believe it was directed by Susan Stroman. Closed shortly after it opened.

HR Guy: "Where did you go to school?"
Josh: "Uh, it was called George Washington."
HR Guy: "OH GW! My brother in-law got his doctorate from there… Did you pledge?"
Josh: "Yes, every morning."

I agree with you about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I know I can get lynched and killed for saying this but I personally believe Kubrick is one of the most overrated directors in film history… along with Warren Beatty (STOP GIVING THAT DOUCHE HONORARY AWARDS!!!). I admit that Kubrick was a visionary, etc., and I really do

Breaking Away
Love that movie.

Great to see love for "Big"
Some of these "genres" were a bit strange I felt, however I am very happy that my all time favorite movie "Big" (and a big good old fashion Fuck You Suck My Cock to anyone who has a problem with that), however isn't "Raging Bull" more of a drama than a sports movie?

Who wins?

Beverly Hills Cop
Recently rewatched it, it's amazing how great Eddie truly is in what is really a very simple fish out of water story.

I don't actually remember if the kid got out and walked away. I need to rewatch it.

That pretty much sums it up. Can AV Club start a list of most underrated monsters in movie history (doesn't reflect whether the movie is any good or not as in the case of The Relic)? Because the Relic monster thingy is pretty awesome. Thanks Stan.

::Throws knife in guys stomach::
Stick around.

The Thing
A great loss in the movies. Kills Owl Dead I agree with you that the special effects in The Thing are still absolutely stunning to watch. The scene where Charles Hallanhan's head falls off and turns into the spider, whew, a-mazing. Though doesn't Rob Bottin get credit for the special effects in that film?

He's no Larry Cohen, that's for sure.

Anyone else excited for WALL*E?
I mean Benjamin "R2-D2" Burtt is getting credit in Entertainment Weekly as the lead in it!! Talk about awesome.

But I can see the confusion since BULLY was also directed by Larry Clark. But that kind of came a went as oppose to the hub bub caused by KIDS in the summer of 1995 I believe.

Kids (1995) directed by Larry Clark.

I didn't really like it. But it's one of those films that "you aren't suppose to like." It's suppose to "disturb" you and all that stuff. Personally I'll take "Welcome To The Dollhouse" when it comes to awesome dark portrayals of adolescence in the mid-nineties.

Here is an obscure one for you. I believe the horror film "SOCIETY" from 1989 was banned from many countries.

According to IMDB on KIDS: # Screenings were often picketed by protesters, especially in Britain, where parliament quickly denounced the film.