Internet Judge

I strongly advise you not to waste the court's time, counsellor Collins.

I'll allow it.

My judgment is that you do NOT wish that, vis. George Saunders' 'Sea Oak'.

Let the record show that Manic Pixie Dream McGuffin is hereby instated as a bona fide Internet Username.

Mister Manhammer, if that IS your real name, I knew the relentlessness of your impostures would catch up with you soon enough. Your attention to detail in your crimes is almost admirable, sir.

WTF. I don't even know where to start. Get out of my sight, all of you.

Must I remind you that this is MY courtroom? Judger, you are an IMPOSTER and I hold you in contempt.

An egregious pop culture crime, indeed. And one which only the Internet can punish.

My, my… It's good to see you back again, Counsellor Horsefellow, though I admit I never expected you to turn prosecutor.

I don't like your tone, Counsellor Bacon. No, I don't like it one bit, sir, and I'll thank you to respect my office, or you'll find yourself reflecting on your remarks in a none-too-comfortable Internet Cell.

Now, I was going to issue a Cease and Desist order to Mr. HDB and chalk it up to youthful exuberance instigated by the recent spike in Boondocks-related intoxication.

Mr. Yee, how do you plead?

In light of such conflicting testimony, I'll take the matter under advisement.

I rule in favour of Counsellor Bacon's duck butter.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must now consider your verdict on Ms. Stewart.

Counsellors, my patience is wearing dangerously thin with this line of commenting.

Now, embroidering on a meme in such a fashion is a grey area, but I'll allow it.


Ms. Fran, you're walking a fine line on Rule 34, here. I must remind you that our Internet byelaws are not to be taken lightly.

Grand theft username? I'm going to have to make an example of you, son, if only to remind people that this is the internet, not the wild west.