
As much as "rastafy him by 10%" is a great line - and lordy is it! - part of me is sad that it's so completely overshadowed Krusty requesting "a nice schmear of surfer". There's something almost quaint about how he says it.

I certainly hope so, if for no other reason than that blunder.

He had to rely on fax machines.

I wish I could have been there. I'm royal jelly of everyone who was!

He could go on Hank Hippapopoulos' show, and he'll make that call.

Even Fallon thinks that's going too far.

You know, Trump may be awful, but he has a point that Turnbull is worse than him. Last I checked, the Donald was not locking up innocent people fleeing war and persecution in illegal offshore gulags to rot while due process is ignored, like our dear leader. Turnbull is a garbage heap of a man, who will hopefully one

In the Name of the King: a Dungeon Siege Tale: based on the original novel by Push

Plot twist! It's actually a diverting supper.

The "Dayum!" may be switched out for a "That's what I'm talking about!", pending Screenwriters' Guild approval.

The "[UPDATE: The Mooch is not]" had already been added by the time I'd seen anything about this story, making it the most Mooch headline ever.

"Sh!t My Mooch Says".

Gutsy comment. You're a shark.

He was eating well-done steak with ketchup. Just read the line.

I almost lost my shit watching the last episode of 'Orphan Black' when Felix mentioned that his family moved to Canada when he was young. They finally acknowledged it!


Further research? Holding back on an opinion? It's like you don't even know what the internet is. I bet you don't even compare people you slightly disagree with to Hitler!

And you can take that all the way to the bank. The BLOOD bank.

I can just see Jose Peterson carrying a shopping bag and telling his friends about the great stuff he got at Miller's Outpost, only to be told it went out of business years ago.

Hence my own fashion line of assfull chaps.