
As always when conspiracy theories like this are suggested about Trump, my response is that he is in no way clever or far-sighted enough for this level of manipulation.

"Harvard Law regrets the mistake. We accidentally omitted the word 'inside'. It should read 'Anthony Scaramucci is dead inside'."

We don't need no water, let the Trumper fucker burn.

How dare you sully the good name of goat's cheese with this comaprison?

You put in a reference to sucking his own cock this minute, mister!

Thrown out the door, like Uncle Phil did with Jazz on 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'.

I would also, uh, like to express my fondness for that particular type of Moochie joke.

And Mooch's copy of 'Swank'.

It's our job to be repetitive. Our job. Repetitiveness is our job.

Twist: the Mooch was dead THE ENTIRE TIME!

So you want a White House that drains the swamp, that's also filled with shady, self-serving Wall Street types?

Not yet, but the next human civilisation will eventually develop one as they study the charred ruins of what used to be our society.

In Australia, one of our politicians once described the members of his opposing party (who were in government at the time) as "a conga line of suck-holes."

Patinkin's like that. I was going to direct him in a Broadway musical and it was going fine until he noticed I had six fingers on my right hand. Suddenly he blows his top and the whole thing's over.

For the last time, despite what Billy Bob thinks, no one is asking anything of Tom Petty. It just doesn't happen.

How do you know? Is it tattooed on her forehead?

In front of him.

I think he's awful in The Descendants (it's an awful film) and I'm always baffled by the praise that movie gets.

Pickle's follow up letter:

She actually came out of the penis of John Voight, the periodontist.