
The phras is, "I have the weirdest boner right now."

Remember in 'Fant4stic' they were originally gonna call Doom "Domavitch", but then they scrapped that, but they left in the "Check out Doctor Doom over here" joke despite it making no sense any more, because by that point everyone involved in the film just wanted to die?

Mole Manned?

"NYPD! It means I will Nock Your Pixie-ass Down!"

You'll get an owlbear and you'll like it, damnit.

There's a bit I love in Brimstone where Satan says, "If it helps, I'm sorry for you. Well, not really. Actually no, not at all." It's supremely good arsehole delivery.

*Alanis Morisette reads comment, adds new verse to 'Ironic'*

"You either die a lifeguard, or live long enough to see yourself become the riptide."

I was thinking it has a certain Underwoodian quality to it.

As an Australian, I'd like to thank the commentariat for (thus far) avoiding the usually inevitable "chazzwozzer" joke.

He's a really talented actor. I'd love to see him get more recognition.

You're so knowledgeable! Did you go to Bovine University?

*The more you know shooting star*

"Sweet! I got the 'Get Out of Impeachment Free' card."

What do you call corn?

But only slightly less well known is this: never go against a Sicilian, when death is on the line!

From what I've heard, the game was purposely designed to be shit. It's meant to demonstrate how unfair and grindingly awful capitalism is. It was social commentary until Parker Brothers decided to market it as family fun.

You just know someone in the room was pushing for 'Blah Wars' but got shouted down.

A saucy puppet show!

"Come on gang! Let's solve the mystery of what happened to our youthful idealism! To the van!"