
If it's going to reflect our current political climate, someone will suggest fighting the invaders, only to be told actually we have to engage them in discussion, and if we fight back we're really just as bad as they are.

This reboot of Invasion of the Body Snatchers will also somehow act as a reboot for Spiderman. Uncle Ben will say with his dying breath, "With great bodies comes great snatchability."

When you're a pod person, they just let you.

Rise of the Planet of the War of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

You just gave Chris Nolan a great idea for an audio book.

Paranormal phenomena? At this time of day? At this time of year? All over the country? Localised entirely within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It's about the grooves you don't get back.

I will never stop hating that monent in 'The Ultimates' when Captain America yells "Surrender? Do you think the A on my head stands for France?" So stupid on so many levels.

Batman's a scientist.

Wesley Snipes makes me think of a pasty Englishman every time. Every time!


For the last time, the show is called 'Ray Who' but the character is just called The Ray. Also, the new Ray is a woman.

The In and The Credible

Cars 8: I Don't Know, Fuckin', Hoverboards I guess?

This comment can helpfully be applied to any situation where a woman other than Hayley Atwell us cast.

Bah! In my day we'd gather around an old man in the village square, who would sing the songs he learned on his travels. And then when he asked for a few pennies to support his art, we'd throw rotten food at him until he scampered away, sobbing in pain and humiliation.

Would it encourage it users to post regular updates about how "random" their lives are?

Their early morning crew is a gas!

"Fuck you. Fuck you, and fuck your mother, and fuck the fucking horse you fucking rode in on." - Czernobog, 'American Gods'.

"Tell your god to ready for blood coming out of your whatever."