

Orreos. They're crab apple and horse chestnut flavoured.

On the plus side, when you buy Trump oreos, you get the cookies but Mexico pays for them.

Oliver Twist oreos. They're gruel flavoured!

Fyre Festival Oreos. It's just a wristband with pre-loaded digital oreos that are non-redeemable.

I don't think it occurred to me to tie the glitter into his sexuality when I watched the ep. To me it was just Bash going, "You know what makes this truly epic? Glitter eyeshadow."

I felt like there were moments that you could see Mark's side of things - Debbie not touching him or asking about his day for over 40 days - and it makes him potentially sympathetic. And then he's awful and emotionally manipulative again, and it reminds you that someone can have a legitimate beef and still be an

I feel like calling an emotional arc between two women a "catfight" says a lot more about the reviewer than it does about the show.

But the billboard will be up for four years.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Chuck E. Cheese's address*

He, like everyone else, must follow Ja Rule of law.

And a new hat?


The A.V. Club

Question: does he say "I just blue myself?"

Okay, but can you put pants on before you stand up?

No, please, make the joke! I'm almost there!

Ancient Chinese secret, huh?

I'm a vegetarian, so it's bean-curd penis for me.

Is he proactive?