
"Failing Congress moving forward with impeachment. Sad!"

The A.V. Club

On the other end of the scale, "louche" is a word I really like. And what do you know, I looked it up on Wiktionary (mostly to see if "louchely" is an acceptable adverb) and the Club's own Ignatiy Vishnavetsky is used as one of the examples.

I have given it in depth consideration, and I am quite sure that I genuinely hate clowns. Not scared so much - well, sometimes, depending on the clown - but I do find them creepy and unpleasant and I hate them.

"So, Billy, did you learn a lesson about wishing for a world without Alex Jones?"


I only read Playboy for the chicken wings.


Everyone knows the word is boobtacular.

I ain't nobody's gam-gam, sucka!

Sure, plenty of people have tried to fuck the Sarlacc … but how many people have tried to make love to it? That pit-monster has emotions too.

That reminds me of a really funny story about why I'm not allowed at the pet store anymore.

Like the supposed supremacy of bacon. Moist, moist bacon.


It's one of my favourites too, and one time a fellow commenter set me up to use it as part of one of my favourite joke templates:

I like the way Enollats thinks!

How are your balsams?

James Woods just read your comment, and his face has gone white with fury!

One thing in the trailer that piqued my interest was a shot of Jon Hamm looking really messy and unhinged. He's usually so put-together that I like seeing him a bit scungier. Actually, I've always wanted to see him play one of those repulsive hitmen characters that turn up in a lot of black comedy/crime films. I think

I've never gotten the impression that the AV Club were too high-falutin' to enjoy a fast-car-'n'-crime flick, as long as it's done well. Especially if it's an Edgar Wright movie; his style of rapid-fire pop culture mayhem is a great fit for this site.