
"She has a big heart!"

Nah, I feel you. I mean, I can't see it working in the version of F4 we saw, but I actually feel he could capture that kind of stuffy-yet-daring 50s science hero vibe Reed has.

I was saying smickle-urns.

I remember thinking the same thing about Doom after 'Fant4stic', and looking up other villains they could use. Molecule Man struck me as a good possibility; some decent powers that would look impressive on screen, a nice science-y concept, and not too high-stakes for a first film villain.

I got Tranked in a bar once. I woke up without a kidney.

I want a real resort chain to use his "guy who's clearly just committed suicide" ad.

Man, Raymond Geiger's gonna be pissed.

"Heinz Ketchup: It's toasted."

The exposure will be huge!

"He went out of the world the same way he came in: naked and wrapped up in a cord." - TJ Truffleberry's obituary.

arya asha, I would like to buy your rock.

And if I recall correctly, Nine had Seinfeld for a year or so and did nothing with it. They gave up the rights, Ten took it over, and it became one of their most consistently highly rated shows pretty much forever. That network was built on the back of Seinfeld and the Simpsons.

Are you calling 'If You Are The One' trashy? Because that isa grave insult to me, and I will meet you in mortal combat, sir (or madam).

Hey, Trump doesn't come to where you work and knock the dick out of your mouth.

I feel like the tragedy of the media's response to Trump was they took him too seriously when he started his campaign (by treating it as a newsworthy item deserving of hours of coverage), but aren't taking him seriously enough now (by treating his outbursts as just kind of stupid remarks rather than international

He has to be. Those tiny forepaws would be no good for walking on.

I will.

The murders began.

I love Johnny Cash's cover of "Yurt".

I'm hoping my business name, "Radio Hovel", resonates better with consumers.