
"I hope you brought enough boobs to share with everyone!"

'Great Job, Internet! vs Supper Club.'

I feel it would work quite well following the dedications.

Yes! When I posted this article to a friend, that was the example I used.

"God bless us, every one!"

And has anyone seen that movie 'Tron'?

"Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together. And then the murders began."

I saw this for the second time last night, and I noticed a recurring theme of incomplete or imperfect eulogies. Logan tries to say some words over Charles' grave and can only stammer out "It's near the water…", the closest he'll get to a future that was always a fantasy at best. Dr. Rice sums up Caliban's existence by

Have you seen 'The Proposition', aka the Australian Western? Hard to watch in a lot of ways but very well made.

My girlfriend said the Logan/X-24 conflict reminded her of Arnie and the T-1000 in 'Terminator 2', and I really dug that. It's Wolverine, an ageing, supposedly perfect killing machine, coming across the version of himself that's even worse, both more brutal and more mechanical.

He is in fact entirely electronic. An e-Gad, if you will.

How'd you rats like a little chin music?

Once upon a midnight dreary, this midnight, you've never seen midnight's so dreary, okay? And I know midnights.
As I pondered - the press, who lie, we all know it. They'll try and tell you I was weak and weary, Weak and weary Trump, they'll say. And that's a lie. I am the least weary person, okay? The least weary…

They've just been named in Trump's cabinet. Housing and Urban Development and Fisheries respectively, I believe.

I always thought Howard had a little of that bro vibe going on, which made me buy Rhodey and Tony as buddies. With Cheadle, I could only ever see a button-down military guy, and that meantI never bought into the relationship.

I think FOXNews is not so much "surprised" as "appreciative". He's taken their lessons to heart.

I have a feeling you'll be Chopin that script around for a while.

The person who starred in all his film's in this reality? You guessed it…

"Mother, may I sleep with James Franco?"

The American Association for the Protection of Francos confirms no Francos were harmed in the making of this (Franco) motion picture.