
That's a great idea. In times like this, we all need to pull together.

Trump was actually in a porn movie. Somehow that's just fine with Pence and his "family values" set.

It raises the inevitable question: is Alec Baldwin up for doing porn?

I am going to find you on Facebook and send you so many themed pokes.

Trump: "So I'm thinking of … quitting?"

That also happens to be my favourite genre of pornography.

And books on how to cheat at bridge.

Make America Crisp Again.

I remember back during the election I came across the story of how Trump told a bunch of African Americans they should vote for him because hey, what have they got to lose, and realised that the article was months old by that point. It shook me a little that, as much as I'd been trying to follow the Trump shitshow, I

I believe the word is "bigly".

Or he could get a job in Cyber.

"And having achieved all my goals in the first month of my presidency, there was no need for the remainder of the term."

That makes me think of the Joker's, "Do I look like a guy with a plan/I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it" spiel from 'The Dark Knight', and it's shocking how well that describes Trump.

- Barry Zuckercorn.

I'd say the existence of Chris Hemsworth, whose name would have elicited a quizzical "Who?" a few years back, as the lead of the 'Thor' movies shows that you no longer need to be a big box office name to star in one of these films. Marvel could find and cast talented actors of colour, including Asian ones, but they're

I misread that as "gingerbend" at first. I'll be damned if I let you make my favourite fictional characters into pasty redheads!

"Taste the justice, Joker."

Do you know the Chinese have the same word for "crisis" as they do for "a duck's quack doesn't echo"?

New pitch: a small town that bans dancing until a young, free-spirited shark comes along to shake things up.

So John Darnielle came to Adelaide Writers Week a couple of years back to give a talk about 'Wolf in White Van'. At one point he was light-heartedly bitching about musicians releasing albums of kids' music once they have children because he thinks it's self indulgent. He went on to say that he's written a bunch of