
I don't know their body of work well enough to claim a favourite album - I'm working on it! - but the Sunset Tree is a damn near perfect collection of songs.

Everyone should be asking this when he's not on screen.

Scrawler, I normally agree with you on most things, but here I think you're being completely unreasonable. Where would you find a rubber band with both the strength and the elasticity necessary to securely bind a million toothpicks? I hope you'll be able to reflect on this and realise your mistake.

Don't even get me started on the ones that are made with Nazi concentrate.


It's all perfectly legitimate. Alfred won the rock-paper-scissors competition two times out of three, which gives him full guardianship under Gotham law.

"We're going to build a double adapter, and we're going to make GE pay for it."

I like to imagine Italians everywhere are looking at America and saying smugly, "Who's laughing now, huh?"

Russians, I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.

The Daily Show has been taken over, conquered if you will, by Trump's goon squad. Now it's impossible to tell if the goon squad will consume Trevor Noah or simply enslave him, we just don't know. One thing is certain: there is no stopping them the end of democracy will soon be here.

The Green Hornet Corps, made up of all of Hollywood's schlubbiest stars: Seth Rogen, Kevin James, Danny McBride, Chris Pratt sometimes…

"Everyone's a hero in their own way."

Given the wisdom of WB's decision making with the DC universe so far, I expect the new film to be just a gif of that minigun scene on a loop for two hours and twenty minutes while a voiceover of one of the studio executives says, "Fuck you" periodically.

I think Billy Brown, who plays Detective Nate "I secrete baby oil from my pores, apparently" Lahey on 'How to Get Away With Murder', would make an excellent John Stewart, if anyone's wondering.

We expect you to represent us all and follow any questionably phrased statements said at the march with "The A.V. Club".

David Cameron looks up from the pig he's fucking, concedes point.

Trump's balls were just rigged by the lamestream media. Sad!

"The AV Club does not endorse the cool pastime of snorting vodka."

It's what Uncle Ben would have wanted.

"Yes, we have no bananas" was an extremely informative article. It taught me a lot about current banana reserves.