
Wait, we're white knights now? I thought we were all a bunch of cucks. Man, it's so hard to keep track.

"Matt Murdoch is no more. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!"

You're off your case, Jose Peterson!

While the first few are certainly not as strong, there's nothing wrong with reading in order from the start; part of the fun is watching Pratchett grow as an author, and there's a lot of fun to be had from the get-go.

"You, uh, got a real nice house here."

"This script makes no sense. It's full of made-up words. What does 'joogy' mean? Or 'splogtastic'?"

"Wow, what incredible luck. Ben's lightsaber missed all my major organs. I'm in a lot of pain, but this is survivable. And I managed to land on a lower catwalk when I fell. Now, I just have to get off this base before it blows up but, hey, I've got a whole planet to lay low on."

That's actually how I want to go.

Meanwhile, the GOP could never figure out how CGI Nixon could be a non-corporeal accumulation of code and still sweat profusely.

Crooked CGI Hilary isn't backwards compatible, too laggy! Sad!

This time Uncle Ben says, "Sometimes you've got a lot of, you know, potency, but that also means you have to, uh, show prudence in the way you use it. Something like that."

This is very true. Holmes is a character originally created in a literary format, who's been adapted to film and TV a number of times. Leia started on film, with Fisher in the role. Leia is her character.

And can Superman outrun the Flash?

I wish they'd recast Tarkin. We all know Cushing's dead, we can deal with the reality. I'm sure the British film industry has a few older gentlemen around with good cheekbones who can do Cushing's diction. Give one of them a chance to be in an iconic film series and get on with it.

…You're fired.

"The Nintendo Switch is deigned to be really nubile … I mean, flexible! Sorry, I don't go on many product launches."

Odyssey looks great, although seeing Mario interacting with more realistic looking humans freaks me out a lot.

Forget neon blue and neon red, I want my Joycon in neon grey.

I like The Killers, but sometimes I listen to one of their albums, and then find I want to listen to it again half an hour later.

A friend of mine once got "May you live in interesting times" which, though possibly apocryphal, is actually a curse.