
*James Woods hurriedly leaves California*

"I don't want no part of your tight-ass country club, ya freak bitch!"

…I've had a cold.

Nixon: "I am not a crook!"

I ship Zeke with Jimmy Junior and no one else, and nothing's gonna change that.

Linda's "Oh, a banjo case! I wonder what's inside? Oh, banjo" gave me the biggest laugh in a long while. Although, Louise's "trash on the beach" burn may have been a little more satisfying, because I love whenever Louise goes into bat for Tina.

Look, if Nixon wanted to destroy every place Jack Kennedy banged women, he'd have to raze half of America.

Ringo Starr but no Richard Starkey?


*Spike Lee tweets his thanks to Tonya Harding*

You're kidding, right?

How did you know about my porn cave?

Beat me to it. Dikachu's dongle, that is.

I don't even own a The Internet!

I'd been saying it about Prince for years, and it finally paid off.

Sorry to break it to you, but there are no villas left in Tuscany. Don't even bother looking.

You were not.

Did your paper start with the phrase "What is a Patriot Act?"

Help who? Help who?

Or, more informally, Cstrayan.