
"You got your Oz in my Trump!"

"Well, Ms. Clinton, you're in pretty good shape over all. Your back is a little out of alignment, though."

That would be terrible. If they thought those two were typical humans, they'd nuke the planet from orbit.

When you mentioned your crippling depression, she referred you to the bar around the corner…

"NOT GREAT, Bob!" - Vincent Kartheiser's review, presumably to someone named Bob.

Number of times a bemused "What?" used in dialogue:
15, 020.

It's the time, it's the place, it's the motion.

"it's my sister!" *slap* "It's my daughter!" *slap* "It's my sister!"

Like every player character from a computer role-playing game, Luke had to do the "rat killing" quest to gain some XP for those first few levels.

"But why am I wearing watermelons on my feet?"

Go on…

You never heard his quip about Vader: "Two lose one hand is unfortunate. To lose two smacks of carelessness."

I tend to think this is a consequence of the Empire's (and, I assume, First Order's) management tactic of, "Complete this massive space station weapon in three weeks or we'll literally kill you." How many corners are cut in planning, testing and reviewing design features to make sure to meet these impossible

1. Alcoholics, angry loners, the unemployable.
2. Well, it's not quite a puppet and it's not quite a mop, but oh man *laughs* So to answer your question, I don't know.
3. It's my first day?

"The B-Wing is obsolete, General Leia. If we can secure more funds, we can replace them with the far superior Schwa-Wings."

Charlie Chaplin. It never came up in any of his films, but he understood it.

Particularly the Pope of Chillitown. That's one heck of a responsibility, and frankly few amongst us are up to the task.

"Luke, I'm not sure this is correct."

You know, I am 100% here for food articles that are thoughtful, funny and interesting. And I enjoyed the pig's milk one. But so far, Supper Club is not really doing what I'd hoped it would.

He's not? Then who the hell was I jacking off to last night?