
We all know it's gross. What this article presupposes is: what if it isn't?

Here in Australia, Burger King is known as "Hungry Jack's" (due to some guy already having the rights to the name Burger King when it first came over here), so there's no King mascot in use here. When I first saw it on a trip to the US it freaked the fuck out of me.

Does it also make you feel crippling waves of guilt?

If they can create a cheeto-chicken-fry that you can also vape, they'll have invented the Fedora Gourmet's holy grail.

She's actually unconsciously looking into the future of bad third movies and making an off-hand remark. What you don't see is the moment after that where the others ask her to explain what she means, because as you say there haven't been that many bad third movies, and she suddenly realises she has no idea either.

If they hadn't shown a scene of Apocalypse watching Ronny Reagan on TV, I'd have fully believed this movie was set in 1996.

"For Our Consideration: Pounding Ass Doesn't Deserve Your Hate".

All I'll say is I was very, very happy when my two nieces outgrew their interest in Bratz.

Off topic, but I hope you've wrested your throne back from El Diablo for good.

"I mean, the sixties are over."

If he doesn't react to her making cutting remarks with the line, "Rowr. Feisty!" then he is wasting his and everyone else's life.


"…and that's when he saw it: his father sitting at the the campfire. Alone. With a whole case of beer. Ka-chssh! Ka-chssh! The selfish old bastard was wasted again!"

Jake was born in entirely the wrong time. If he'd been raised with an idea that men could express emotions and be vulnerable, he might have been able to grow, but it's pretty clear he had that mid-20th century idea of keeping everything bottled up and getting on with life crammed into him. Poor bastard never stood a

I loved Jodie's pragmatism. She was smart enough to know everything sucked, like Daria did, but she was also aware that just sitting there complaining about it wasn't going to make her happy, so she learns to play the game and try and get some benefit out of it. She's not going to sell her own future short just

And then it's the pore strips!

"A TV channel wanting to sell ad space? The very idea is both preposterous and repulsive! I've never heard of such a thing!"

I liked how, even though he'd never think of it in this way, Kevin kinda knows Daria is cool.

And that's why everyone should watch it at least twice: once when they're a teen and can go, "Yeah, Daria is me! Everyone else is such a tool!" and then again when they're an adult and can say, "Huh. Sometimes you could just ease back on the judgement there, kiddo."

That is possibly my favourite Sick Sad World bits ever.