
The best one-two punch of Sandy and Tiffany comes from one of the "Legends of the Mall' shorts set in the seventies:

One thing I love about Helen is that she has a great sense of self; she knows who she is and who she wants to be, and it gives her the power to stand up to bullies. I'm also quite fond of her being given a makeover by Sandy and saying there's nothing wrong with a woman having lines on her face, unless they're lines

The mods are just - wise and attractive. The mods only want the best for us and should be respected. Signed, genuine AV Club commenter.

"It's the same Alex McCown-Levy at a 90s fest as last year!"

Can't lie, I thought pretty much the same thing.

If you strike me down, I will become harder than you can possibly imagine.

Hence the site's new section, The Fopper Club.

…OF COCK!!!!

"Damn, Robin, don't you turn straight on me!"

Some people are very pro-war, because war is lucrative as hell, tends to inspire nationalism and a reluctance to question government in the populace, makes it easy for authoritarianism to prosper, and if it's successful allows for an expansion of resources and influence. And if you don't care about the deaths of

- The A.V. Club

He's going to find out exactly what happened to those many Bothans.

I am still not entirely clear on who John Cena is.

In fact, all reality TV shows are intricate simulations designed to test out the average citizens' preparedness for worst case scenarios that a top team of analysts have determined to be plausible. They're broadcast under the smokescreen of entertainment to raise awareness and allow the public to imagine their own

Abortions for some, miniature American death panels for others!

Plus, the critics were deeply divided about the marriage.

Accompanied by Bill Murray, but no on ever believes that part of the story.

I guess it's just an empirical fact: of all the winners, she is the first women of colour. How we each react to that datum might just say something about how we see the world.

You know, as a parody of the kind of comment a totally clueless racist would make, this shows a lot of potential. A little too on the nose, maybe, but keep working on it!

I think it was founded by that guy from Apple computers.