
That banjo notification you set up just paid off.

Billy Connolly, who has a tattoo of a banjo on his arm, tells a story about being in America when a black guy saw his tattoo, and asked what it was, thinking it was a vase of flowers or something. When Billy said it was a banjo, the guy took a step back and said, "Whoa. The Brothers do not like banjos. There are two

But I want classism to be over. When are those lazy poor people going to do something inspiring?

"Oh God, I found the homemade porn, but it's a porn parody of Spiceworld!"

And then the Gambit film will take me fishing, and we'll have a great time, and we'll be a family again!

He's a huge Nick Cave fan.

It's significantly better than Mister Fantastic, which is almost certainly the name of a brand of oven cleaner somewhere.

And no matter what Rotten Tomatoes says, it's getting shut down, damnit!

"Hey guys, someone' suggested we stop making the same films over and over again and 'do something else'. I don't understand what they mean. Any one got any ideas?"

'X-Men: Apocalypse', the film that dared to ask: "That slow-motion Quicksilver sequence that people liked in 'Days of Future Past', do you think they'd like to see it again?"

I would honestly love it if he played Sinister the same way he played Darwin Mayflower.

My favourite Shakespeare play is 'The Merchant of Venice', where the character Shylock sits down and hammers out a reasonable and flexible installment plan with Antonio.

"We should create a female version of this established male villain."

And honestly, wouldn't all the X-Men films be improved being narrated by the Latin Lover?

Turns out her name is Martha.

Done! *unzips pants*

I believe that Slaughter is a distinguished old family name from the Deep South, but I've only ever seen it written down. Does anyone know if it's actually pronounced as spelled? Because that would be a name even Stan Lee would probably think was too on the nose.

"Prepare to meet your doom, X-Men, at the hands of the H-E-Double-Hockeysticks-Fire Club!"

"My name is Von Doom, so I knew it was my destiny to doom the von, a small squirrel like animal native to Latveria. That didn't take very long - it was already endangered - so after I finished doing that I became a supervillain."

"So Stephen, what's your superhero name going to be? Arcane? Hex? There are a lot of cool magic-based names!"