
Don't tell me what I do and don't want from animatronic penises!

It's a huge misunderstanding. He's a film buff, and meant to call himself "Mr. Cineaste". But there was a miscommunication with the stationery company, and all his business cards came back with "Mr. Sinister" on them, and he didn't have the money to print them all off again. So he gritted his teeth and made the best

Mr. Vaguely Ominous did fine work as part of the Brotherhood of It's-a-Moral-Grey-Area Mutants.

Is that a lot these days? Is that a sign of success? I honestly don't know how much money a film has to make for the execs to break out the Celebration Coke (instead of the We Must Try Harder/Inspiration Coke). I just know that I never hear people talking about GI Joe 2, or making memes of it, or it making any kind of

I can't stand that fucking book, and never miss an opportunity to tell people that, so thankyou in turn for the excuse to do so.

And here I thought the movie-going public's yawning apathy was responsible.

To really appeal to AV Clubbers, I would have called it "Latter-Day Simpsons First Act Syndrome".

I don't know, RDJ. A man can do a lot of weird things when he's drunk and/or high. For all you know you have an extensive public access filmography.

It's all about the delivery. It would sound great being said by a Chinese, or a pregnant.

You know, I'd love to stay and trade quips, but I have to rush down to the Jerk Store. Last time I got there too late and they were out of my favourite jerk.

That's funny. As of this comment, I know one thing about you and I already hate you.

"Nothing should be blindly accepted"? Why should we not accept things we have no reason to doubt? I have no evidence that The Ghost of Eazy E is a black man other than that he often mentions he is in his comments. He could be lying, but I have no evidence to suggest that he is, and no idea why he would, and it

Rabin's particularly bad at this. Not to dogpile on the guy, but this comes from his MWOF piece for 'Marville':

And I thought I was the only one.

And then Phil Collins wrote a popular song about it.

Don't forget to kill Tim.

It can be two circle jerks.

It's funny how 'Blavatar' was one of the most successful films of all time, but has left so little impact on pop culture.

Interesting fact: when McDonald's started up their McCafes here in Australia, they had to issue a formal apology for their coffee and promise to start using different beans and training their baristas better.

My only awareness of Culvers is a mention in 'American Gods', where Shadow stops there and eats some butter burgers but declines the frozen custard. I've wondered ever since: what is a butter burger?