
Wow, you met Michael Bay?

My frequent posting on here while I'm meant to be working is a testament to my Sloth.

She may not have mentioned Beckham's race in the original interview - which I assume, from context, is because she figured people knew who she was talking about - but she talked about it in the apology, so to be fair to her it looks like she figured out why it was an issue. As for men and women thinking about sex,

Your comment about straw men might go better if I weren't able to copy and paste these very words from earlier in the thread:

All things are about s'mores, AncientShenanigan. Except this.

"That's amoooooooooooore!"

What, no love for Lennie Briscoe of Law & Order fame? Kids these days…

But then we can get the heartwarming experience of some other guy saying, au contraire, she' looks fine and he'd totally fuck her, at least if she dressed a little differently or did something else with her hair. Because if there's one thing that makes horribly dehumanising comments about how ugly she is better, it's

Featuring Lester and Eliza!

I'm sure there'll be a Newswire about Leslie Odom Jr. soon, and I'm willing to wait for it.

Madame Zora, a very cheerful tarot reader who is sexually liberated.

It's a fucked-up thought to have in the first place, but I can kind of see it crossing your mind; we've all had those egotistical/paranoid moments where we look at someone else's actions and think, "Is that about me?" What really baffles me is that she brings it up in conversation with Schumer well after the fact, in

"I guess she's upset I didn't complement her on her tux? I think it was a nice one? It wasn't, like, red or anything was it? 'Cause I tend to think red tuxedos are a little cheesy."

There is something pretty gross about Lena's assumption that a black man is looking at the women around him purely on the basis of whether or not he wants to fuck them, given the negative stereotypes of black men as being sexually predatory.

It takes more effort - the season's a bit of a slog until about episode four or five, frankly - but after that there is some solid gold.

I remember watching maybe the third installment of Kate Kaboom and thinking, "Oh, you're not going to do anything else with this premise, are you?"

I kind of recall enjoying Freakazoid, but the only part I can remember with any clarity was Freakazoid sitting on top of one of the characters from Gargoyles, who keeps monologuing in this brooding way until Freakazaoid asks him to be quiet and gives him some Pez.

Season four of AD really drills down into what a horrible person Michael is. He has a real sense of entitlement, stemming from the fact that he does think of himself as a fundamentally good guy, so why shouldn't he get what he wants now and again? And that leads him to treat the people around him like shit -

I bet you didn't take her home to mother.

I saw 'The Shining' long after the 'Treehouse of Horror' segment "The Shinning". It remains a very creepy movie, but I think some of the edge was definitely taken off by going, "Oh, so that's what that bit was about" ever few seconds.