
I've never seen a photo of James Gunn before, and didn't realise he looked like a sketchier Giovanni Ribisi.

The Devil Wears Prada II: Prada Harder

Would you settle for The Brave Dr. Smolderstone?

Help me out here: should I try the chicken?

"Those pecs belong in a museum!"

I'm not sure I want the Mythbusters to figure out what a stride mother is. Somehow I think we're all better not knowing.

There will be four possible outcomes: "Confirmed", "Busted", "Plausible" and


I like Barsanti, I genuinely do - well, aside from his anti-orange juice hysteria - but can we all agree that articles about celebrities of questionable worth are the purview of only Sean O'Neal and his industrial level snark?

And why is no one saying "Worship" this? Or "Jericho" that?"

Yeah, if you can call them clouds. Back in my day, you got proper cirro-nimbus. The shit these kids are making now are barely vapour wisps.

Only 90s ISIS kids will remember this.

Anything's a code for porn if you commit to it.

Yeah, if you're angry at someone making millions of dollars for something that they're legally allowed to do (and are doing honestly), you're really angry with the millions of people giving them dollars. And being angry at people for spending their own money on things that make them happy is rather sad and pointless.

I mean, he definitely did that, but he did more than just that.

"You know, Son, I always intended for You to die for their sins, but I thought they'd just hang You or behead You. You know, at least a quick, relatively humane death. But they were real dicks about it and honestly I'm feeling very conflicted about the whole deal."

"I will always remember Uncle Ben's final words to me: 'You're so fucking money, baby'."

And now you know the rest of the story!

In the original stories, the spider was radioactive. In the recent films, it was genetically modified. In this film, it turns out the spider was an Infinity Stone.

Who Batman has sex with near some burning corpses while still wearing his costume somehow.