
In this version, Batman goes to the circus planning to kill a clown, but accidentally kills Dick Grayson's parents, and adopts him out of guilt. It's super awkward.

I'd like to make a movie where I play an unspectacular looking guy (I can pull it off, I tells ya!) and Scarlett Johansson is her usual stunning self, and we're friends but I'm really into her and keep making a thing of it, and she enjoys my company but really doesn't want any more than that, and she eventually tells

I like the way 31P thinks!

Tony's never gotten over the guilt of putting Happy in a position where he had to watch the Anna Bates rape scene. It actually forms a huge part of Avengers 3.

She might want to back out once he brings around four other girls and suggest they form the Sinister Six.

I keep trying to tell him I'm a marble fanboy. It's the only thing I want on my countertops. That black slate shit can go to hell.

I like that you didn't mention 'Green Lantern'. That means the necessary process of forgetting that film ever happened is going ahead.

[begins work on Mary Jane Watson/Mary (wife of John) Watson fanfiction]

Wow, they fucked the readers? I realise that the comic book industry was struggling in the 90s, but I didn't know they'd resorted to sexually servicing fans in order to keep people buying the books.

"igotlickfootagain, smiling politely."

The A.V. Club

I think it's called the Pop Culture Content Website That Couldn't Slow Down.

"Do you refuse offers? You won't."

Yeah, there really aren't enough roles in Hollywood that centre around a woman being sexually attractive.

Helen Mirren is a wonderful, talented lady who I would love to spend time with engaging in stimulating conversation and doing things of interest to both of us.

I thought her first go as Pepper was sensational. (Not that she's been bad in the subsequent ones, but I don't think the character's been written as well the last few times.) The role feels very natural, and lived in.

Jon Voigt: 1 snake on the face, but it's a really big one.

I want widow's peak Gwyneth. Let her rock the Morticia Addams look.

It never occurred to me because I was only vaguely aware of who Smith was and that he was someone whose films were liked, so I didn't know which ones were considered the good ones. I didn't personally know anyone who was a fan, I was just aware of him having this cool cult cred. And if I recall, I saw 'Mallrats' only

I had a similar reaction years later to that Clooney abomination 'The Descendants'. Everyone around me was praising it to heaven. I hated almost everything about it - Clooney's acting included - but I was particularly amazed at how no one balked at the "I, the white man who owns Hawaii, must save these poor native