
I love IV's reviews. I can practically smell his irritation at the hour and a half he lost to this.

I've seen one Smith film - 'Mallrats' - and because I'd heard so much praise heaped on the guy I spent a few years wondering if there was something wrong with me that I saw nothing great about it. So that aside, I can't really speak to the guy's creative output, but his attitude of "I'm making absolute horseshit, so

I saw 'Gran Torino' at the time, and I enjoyed it, but I think about watching it now, with a few years worth of development under my belt, and … yeah, I'm not sure I'd like it at all. It has some funny lines that I think might still make me laugh, but the way it treats the non-white male characters and the essential

Well, that goes without saying.

Vedder? I just medder!

You even have a real mom and pop tied up down there.

Perhaps no truer sentence has ever been uttered than, "There's nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight."

The disagreement about which version to use will be the central conflict of the series.

*shot of phone ringing. A shirtless Mr. Clarke walks in to frame to answer it*

Whenever anyone says "Can we stop talking about (x)?" I think, "Well, you can, if you feel like it. Seeing as you don't want to talk about it, that might be the way to go."

'Strangely Needful Things'.

And I thought I was the only one!

My buddy's kid Flipper Bearsturdy was this close to winning that audition.

I loved season one of 'Heroes', and I really wish they'd stuck to their guns and given us all new characters in the same world for the following seasons. Maybe it still would have been just as bad, but the concept was perfect for an anthology.

A Good Thing to Strange Hard

Ottumwa, Iowa, or GTFO.

"We're going to arrest you, but first we have to ask you: did you commit this crime?"

It's contextual. A moist brownie is a lovely thing to imagine. A moist towel is … less so.

Blood orange anything, but particularly juice, is the stuff of dreams.

"OJ part of any real American's breakfast, but Obama and Crooked Hillary want it dead. Sad!" - Donald Trump.