
Including Trump.

"More asbestos! More asbestos!"

The Simpsons, back in its glory days, could probably have done an episode where the family's stuck in a holiday parade and not have it be soul-crushingly awful.

If Trump was behind it, surely it was a yuuuuuuge scam?

"Hey Jerry, I'm making a big push for gun control, and I know humour can be a great way to reach people. Can you give me any material to use?"

Honestly, PETA is trash. Their campaigns are misogynistic, they've engaged in bodyshaming before, and they said they'd pay the water bills of people in Detroit if they went vegan for a month (http://www.nbcnews.com/news… which is a shitty way to use a human crisis to blackmail people into their position while ignoring

But we can rely on the consistent characterisation to carry us through. Homer is and always has been a lovable, well-meaning oaf, and not some borderline psychopathic asshole who ruins the lives of everyone he comes into contact with.

They haven't been wrong yet.

I bet you can't wait until 'The X-Files' wraps up its conspiracy storyline in a way that's bound to be thrilling, narratively satisfying and definitely worth all these years of build-up.

I know I've had just about enough of their Vassar bashing.

Comic books grooming the next generation? Dear Lord, Frederic Wertham was right all along!

I guess Cap's an authority on being a young old man.

Lousy poetic justice!

But I want to know more about that good old fashioned hole digging. By gar, it's been a while!

40% of the time it works 100% of the time.

I'm not sure you and I ever interacted much, but I will say I appreciate the official signoff. There are a few people on here I enjoyed interacting with that just seemed to up and vanish one day, and I never knew what happened to 'em, and I'd like to. It's nice to have some closure with things like this.

Thankyou. It really bothers me that in a situation like this the cops could kill a suspect, and people would say, "Yeah, but he was a piece of shit so who cares?" and ignore the fact that the police had just murdered another black man simply because they could. It's hard enough to get a lot of people to care about the

"Careful out there guys, this perp's Cold as Ice."

Maybe the police force doesn't like the idea of trained SWAT teams getting bored by having nothing to do and deciding to make their own fun.

I've gotten to the point where I'm always suspicious of a new scientific study and expect someone to discredit it within weeks, but I'm genuinely excited by the prospect of cruelty free science. It's about time we developed ways of studying animal behaviour that aren't traumatising to the subject.