
*FBI shuts down unit specifically established to figure out what "dumps like a truck" means*

And what was the "that" that Meatloaf wouldn't do for love, despite just saying he'd do anything for love?

It really should have been mentioned during "New Business", technically.

Showtime, you blowhard!

It's more that there are certain things a politician has to do to be effective, that are separate from the moral or ideological positions we would desire from an effective leader. By way of analogy (and to crib a concept form the Simpsons) a baby photographer who was constantly dropping f-bombs would not be good at

With a movie of this quality, I'd be pretty cocksure about it too.

"Join me in death everlasting, Wiiiiiiilbur!"

Yeah, when he next comes out of his opium-fueled tantric sex fugue, he's going to be pissed.

That's a lovely thing to do with your money. I like to imagine I could one day leave some cash to a cause I care about, but with my job prospects I think the best I'll be able to do is bequeath a two-for-one pizza coupon.

Pff. Show me the greedy fucker who's brave enough to risk angering Bea Arthur's vengeful ghost.

I guess no one told you life was gonna be this way.

"To the Bea-mobile!"

Vale, Mr Wilder. I hope you're in heaven right now enjoying a warm mug of … ovaltine.

I love that story. It nails so well the twin aspects of the Joker as a) a wacky clown whose crimes make little sense to anyone not him and b) a sociopathic mass murderer.

Okay, Great Boos Up, you asked for it!

If that leads to a scene where Matt bones Ken's ghost (still in Ken's form), then maybe it will all have been worth it.

I'm also super not okay with people telling other people to kill themselves, as a joke or otherwise. There are just some things that you can't say and still be a good human being.

Just you wait.

Some are just unbaptised babies.

Chris Hemsworth has a gift for amiable stupidity that I'm glad to see Hollywood make the most of.