
Daryl: Sorry mate, did I interrupt your mystical Thorsleep?

Lord Palmerston was Britain's greatest Prime Minister.

Ugh, why do you women have to talk about such gross things? Now, let me explain in detail how intensely I like to masturbate over a selection of female celebrities of various ages, but none over 25.

I bet you also know what it's like when you're making out with a guy who has a tongue stud.

"Am I so out of touch? No. It's the comic book fans that are wrong." - WB Executive.

"Why does Aquaman, the largest of the Justice League, simply not kill and consume the others?"

"Thor? It's Darryl here. Listen, that glowing green stone, was that important? Because my mate Johnno was over, and he'd had a few tinnies, and he thought it'd be fun to stick it in the microwave, and well, that was just the start of the whole situation we've got going on now…"

Well, as of the time of this writing, it's second on the most read AV Club articles so … many people?

The lesson is: never try. Heh heh, right in the butt.

I would like a small scene in the next Thor movie where Thor's clearly ignoring some very frantic texts from Darryl about all the mystic ravens that are flying around the house, starting fights with the magpies.

I feel you're being kind of short with them here.

I can just imagine Fury getting Thor to input six years of data entry that's been sitting around because no one's had time to get to it just to give him something to do.

"Who are three people who have never gotten off in my kitchen?"

I studied Latin in high school, and got used to clauses that start with a gerundival construction - old Julius Caesar was crazy for "having decided on a course of action" style interjections - so I'm really used to this style of writing and see no problem with it. Sure, you have to connect the concepts further into

I wish more people would take cadence into account when critiquing sentences. There are plenty of times when a word might technically be redundant or less than precise, but if the meaning can still be understood by a reasonable speaker of the language and it helps the flow of the sentence, then it's perfectly fine to

"Remember students, there is one way and only one way to properly use the English language: the way that doesn't make me personally angry."

"He's a vicious anti-Semite and we suspect he's actually insane, but there's no need to be rude about it."

Little Dwayne's finger paintings are quite good, since you mention it, but his talk of annexing the neighbouring countries is getting a little concerning.

The first seven times they used the "Hitler? I just met her!" joke I thought it was pretty lame. Turns out the eighth time is the payoff.

"The tox results are in. The family was definitely killed by small-batch artisinal arsenic."