
I read the first book and was so amazed that after its unconvincing characterisation, hacky storyline and really unimpressive craftmanship, anyone could want a sequel, much less (eventually) a TV show based on it. And then, for reasons I can't explain at all, I read the sequel as well (and hated it possibly a bit

That comment towards Cox was just vile. It makes you feel like at every single level Hollywood is fueled by bitterness and contempt.

I've not seen the movie, but I did come across that scene from it somewhere. (I don't know how, because I'm pretty sure I saw it in the pre-YouTube days.) It's really well delivered. "I don't even have dreams about dwarfs!"

When I grow up, I'm going to Timber University!

Take to the sea!

Fun fact: James Brolin is in every film made, not just in Hollywood but around the world. Sometimes you have to look really hard to see him, but he'll be there.

One more time.

"Xanderpuss? It's you friend Ben. Ben Grimm. You know that new damaged woman you wanted to save? Well listen to this!"

He's not your granddaddy's daddy.

"That's why I couldn't love both my parents, because they were two separate individuals. It was a tough call to make, but eventually I said, 'Fuck you, Dad' and broke a chair over his head."

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go Switzerland in this RHCP/FNM World War.

I think we should ignore this feud and hope it falls By The Way.

The D'Onofrissance has finally come!

Except this is not a consequence of the internet. I guarantee you people were developing fan theories and erotic fiction about 'Star Trek' - there's documented evidence of the latter - way back when, they just printed it in photocopied zines rather than the internet. Hell, to use a story you've probably heard before,

"Bitter? Oh, a tad."

Hey, you just quoted my wedding vows!

Out of interest, how much Canadian are you willing to accept?

Look, I don't know why I smell like a dog when I'm sexually aroused, but I'll thank you to stop shaming me.

(Also, yes, Lucas is great, and has one of the most convincing character arcs of the season.)

I really do usually try and figure out the three letter abbreviations myself, but could you help me out with "UMC"?