
The Channing Tatum Gambit is one of thr more deceptively difficult chess strategies out there.

I'm Sith and tired of them too.

"I'm afraid R2 hasn't moved or spoken in years."
*The Fonz hits R2 on the head; R2 springs to life*

The Death Star is round, Leia's hair buns are round, they should call it 'Round Wars'.

That's what he meant when he said Mexico wasn't sending their best people; they just tasted weird.

You've got to leave out the "o" and the "u". It's pronounced "the S'th".

That guy who works at Mad Magazine?

I was a-fired a pun thread would start soon enough.

I don't know where you're getting this "Robber's Alley" shit. I'm not sure of the particulars of this hack, but previously people had saved their photos on their phone, which, due to the way technology works these days, means their stuff was accessible via the cloud. And that means some clever people could hack it.

Right from the first moment I heard about Anonymous and their policy of releasing any information they like just because they can, I was immensely suspicious, no matter how good their intentions. My first thought it, what if their intentions aren't good? What happens when they decide to switch targets? Horrifying

You should have tried being one of those "don't call me a chick" chicks.

I'm fairly sure Cheney has already died, but I keep telling people, you have to cut off the head and put a stake through the heart to keep guys like him down.

People talk a lot about not judging a book by its cover, but there are points in its favour. For example, if the cover of a book is a luridly painted picture of a guy in a loincloth fighting a multi-headed green monstrosity in some desolate landscape, you can probably assume it isn't a gripping court-room thriller.

You know, I'm not sure you've made your feelings on Diesel clear. Perhaps you should post roughly this comment another seven times to really get the message through?

You should set up a "Reposted F&F Comments" account. You've got the style down!

"For Our Consideration: The Candyass Saga Prequels Don't Deserve Your Hate".

"Daddy's got to get out of this chair, then pause a bit while the spins stop, then maybe sit down again just for a quick spell, then find his seniors' bus pass, and then he's gotta go to work."

They might not necessarily comment, but we do know that certain celebrities are definitely reading, and occasionally getting pissed by, what we write. Hi, David Cross!

Well, off-off-Jamaica, technically.

I appreciate that these comments are all about nailing down the facts, as promised in your username.