
Ever since he put me on that organ reduction plan, I've never looked slimmer.

Yeah, I get the feeling that getting into specific polls would have given Cohen a perfect chance to derail the conversation so that he never had to answer the actual question of whether this is a panicked reaction from Trump.

*turns up to interview*: "We got Keilar again?"

Why should Scott Baio lose a role for a horrendous lapse in judgement somebody else noticed?

"You realise that a man can be held responsible for raping his wife?"

Okay, actually: a movie where Will Smith plays some kind of heroic character who's been displaced through time, his various iterations unaware of who they used to be until Will Smith Prime comes to unite them again. We''l have pirate Will Smith, futuristic bounty hunter Will Smith, medieval monk Will Smith, etc. Get

The real change that will stoke fanboy ire is that in this film, J. Jonah Jameson is mostly ambivalent about whether or not people get him pictures of Spider-Man.

The character could also have chosen to die her hair red, for whatever reasons.

I wonder if Asgardians can alter/choose their physical appearance at all. Heimdel can see everyone on earth, after all, and if I saw Idris Elba and could alter my appearance to look like him, I can see myself doing so.

It comes with salad or fries, your choice. But your partner would probably prefer you get the salad.

That reveal was ludicrously bad. He says the name like it's meant to mean something to Bond (and by association us), but within the Craig films no one's so much as heard the name Blofeld before so it means nothing. It only works as any kind of reveal on a meta-textual level, and as far as that goes I think everyone in

There are multiple Wills Smith? We need to cast them all together in the same film! It'll be a charm offensive.

"You got blonde in my redhead!"

Because of all the colons, the first two movies turned into 'Power Rangers: Baywatch' in my head, and I realised it's the movie crossover the world needs right now.

It was a move the Romans regretted once they realised they'd cut off their only supply of sweet, delicious haggis.

He only knows the words "mon frere" and "fratello".

I always thought it was "Brabra".

And that finger thing means taxes!

"Cindy, your mother has told me it's time to have the Talk with you, so here it is: this is the thermostat. Don't touch it."

I did not know Pizza Hut was offering that service. Anyway, what's it like working for them?