
This truly is your darkest hour.

That was a wild ride, man.

Nah, Clint just told him to get his au fait paddy ass out of there.

Would that it 'twere so simple.

Since I can only picture you as your avatar, the mental image I just got was … intense.

"What's this? A giant tub of lube addressed to Barsanti? Haha. Hey Barsanti, looks like you got pranked!"

I'll see you at the hat convention in July!

You want real quality, you watch 'Industrial: Revolution'. They spent the money and it shows.

Or Sal from 'Futurama'.

I took that to mean even Manimal was sick of Manimal's shit.

There are times I get annoyed that I feel a reviewer has fixated on something irrelevant and made that the point of their review (for example, any reviewer who hates on a superhero movie because they're tired of superhero movies in general), but that'll be me getting annoyed with a single critic for a little bit, and

'Springtime for Joker'.

With a pocket protector.

I hate how Big Geek shuts down smaller operators like Lamewad Industries and Consolidated Doofus.

I think you're onto something. I hate 'Iron Man 3' with a passion, but even I'll admit it works in a way that 'Man of Steel' (the only DCEU film I've actually seen, unless 'Green Lantern' counts) doesn't. There's a confidence and a cohesiveness to even the most mediocre Marvel films that leaves a good impression with

- James Joyce.

Honestly, I've never been able to like the Harley character because of this angle, and even now when (I understand) they've moved her past the Joker and made her an antihero, I still feel like she's defined by who she used to be; it feels like the Joker's shadow is still cast over her, only now she's defined by how

I read a review that said 'Suicide Squad' was worse than Trank's 'Fantastic Four', and I thought, "Okay, it might be a bad film, but there's no need to throw around that kind of language."

It's okay, Batman v. Superman. If I'd wanted a deeply satisfying experience with gorgeous visuals, I'd have stayed married to Barbados Slim.

It's Freema Agyeman for me, but I agree with the principal.