
I would put no amount of skin-crawling horror past the 'Minions' movie.

*tattoos every Mexican person's forehead with the word "FREED"*

I'm sure that when vaping became a thing, Ayers shed a single tear and said, "My time has come".

And I choose to believe Stan Lee came up with every single one of them.

The Aquaman movie should just be a two-and-a-half hour shirtless training montage. It will rake in the cash.

Ever since you mentioned you'd be seeing the film I've been waiting for your take, I loved your review of 'Ghostbusters (2016)'.

People are always saying Ben Affleck when they mean Ben Effleck and it drives me crazy.

Okay, but where do the Lizard People fit into this?

Do NOT attempt if you are African-American. It will be construed as assault, and the result will be horrifying.

I agree. Bush would have given Clinton a fight, and I could see a close result whichever way it went. Clinton would have annihilated Cruz, though.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn Trump had died years ago and we've been watching a severely defective clone attempt run this race.

Actually, they only look that large when seen in his tiny, tiny hands.

"Trump Tower makes the best apple pies. I love women!"

If Trump did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

What makes it hard with Trump is that it's almost impossible to know what he truly believes. His statements are so changeable, so random, so clearly whatever he thinks will play in the moment, that you don't know if they reflect his true beliefs. His call to ban all Muslim immigration, for example, is a fascist

"GOP Loses Their Fucking Shit, You Guys!"

"We didn't intend it to be this dangerously uninformed, sexist, racist demagogue! We had another one in mind!"

"Look, mistakes were made, natural laws were violated. We don't need to get into how or why. The important thing is that we all move on and forget it ever happened."

I love that Victor's response to that is, "Oh shit, I've made a Godless abomination! What do I do? Maybe if I just … leave my house for a bit … this will all just … work out? Yeah, that sounds like a plan."

I've been waiting an waiting in vain for the straw to break the camel's back on Trump's popularity, and have watched in horror as all the things that should have sunk his campaign - mocking war vets and the disabled, encouraging his supporters to harm protesters, throwing water at opponents during debates - have had