
I hear the pay is even better in Canada, though there you'd be a "Professional Pseudo-Wealthy Gadaboot".

You're drunkenly correct; the best kind of correct.

The thing is, there are other people who had similar experiences who've turned out better. Brittany Spears went through a rough patch, but she's come out the other side and seems to be a decent person. At the very least, she's not abandoning pet monkeys in Germany, vandalising her neighbours' houses, or getting pissy

Should have gotten the paradox absorbing crumple zones.

He may not have enjoyed that being targeted at himself, but I'd say that in general Trump would find that to be sublime comedy.

Prefaces to the Revised Edition are riskier, but when they pay off, they pay off big.

People still needed to know who to call if they wanted a good time.

I disagree with that statement.

They're guaranteed in the Constitution, right?

Trump was terrible in 'Yentl'.


Yes and no. Unfortunately, we hunted the small Amazonian creature that we made Cheetos from into extinction, so nowadays they're an artificial replacement made in a lab.

But then he'd actually have to spend money if he wants Velveeta.

To be fair, from some of her appearances in comics and animation the right weight for Waller would be a solid tonne, so it'd be hard to find an actor that would fit that.

I can honestly say that, as far as I'm aware, that didn't happen and I made it up for a joke. I can also honestly say I have no intention of finding out if the truth is otherwise.


Steve actually dies from wounds inflicted by Croc in the attempt, allowing the cops to capture him. Steve's last words are, "It's not his fault. I startled him. He was just doing what came naturally."

"Hurry up Martha! Martha's gaining on us!"

"I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just gonna rastify you by 10%."

"You can't stop me, Lantern, I'm wearing all yellow."