
You know, GREEN is half yellow.

"There's a new villain in town … tell the people of Gotham City … to beware … The Ellipsis."

Wait, Spider-Man was originally supposed to be a quadruple amputee?

It's the most unrealistic thing I've seen in any superhero film.

As they live in their underground bunkers, slowly trying to strip the radiation from the surface and bring it back to a pre-Trump administration level of survivability.

Pretty sure the press releases have also been fairly heavy on the "Ben Affleck's Batman will be in this film. So that's a reason to see it, right? Please see this film."

They had a parade to organise. You can see how something like a rash of deaths caused by mysterious chemicals would slip their minds.

Bruce is portrayed in that film as so absent-minded that it'd be more plausible for him to say, "Huh, completely forgot about my date. Better get the tux out."

Here's my take on the whole "conspiracy" thing: Disney/Marvel does not want the DC films to fail, and would actually rather they do well.

Wonder Woman is the first of these movies since the 'Man of Steel' trailers I've been excited for.

I'm with you there, buddy. I plan on never seeing that movie again, but I loved 'Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang'.

Flip the movies around, and I'd agree with you.

For a Few Batmen More

Quick tip for all commenters: I will upvote any 'Unbearable Lightness of Being' jokes automatically.

"Batman Begins is dedicated to battybrain, a PA who exploded from excitement during filming."

It was the time they wore it to their great aunt Gertie's funeral that was the problem.

"They say that Shaft's a bad mother-"

*Batman's beating up a villain, finds their wallet, finds a Wall-Martha loyalty card*

I was once watching 'Seven' for the first time at home, and it was still maybe 10-20 minutes away from the big climax. My sister walks into the room and says (SPOILERS):

I just want them to finally do a flashback to the murder set to 'Yakkety Sax'.