
Also, Trump served people his own urine in mason jars.

- The A.V. Club

You took a click from me and I want it baaaaaaaaaaaack.

In a daring piece of meta-textuality. it was an ABC executive.

You get right back to that dream now, buddy! I want to know what happens in the next episode.

It's from 'Little Miss Sunshine'. He asks Steve Carell's character, who's gay, to buy him some porn.

I may have mentioned this before, but when they had a GJI about the 'Batman v Superman' trailer done in 1990s style, I noticed how much I prefer the old trailers (maybe minus the cheesy voiceover). They gave you a few impressions of what the film would be like, some big visuals to get you excited, and that was about

The A.V. Club

"It's like they read 'Eat, Pray, Love' and just ran with it" was a pretty good line to my mind.

Do you celebrate by buying porn mags? The really nasty kind, none of that airbrushed shit.

And that scene where he realises he's colourblind and can't become a pilot is just crushing. Honestly, I don't think there was any line of dialogue that could have seemed comforting enough after that.

I hear that map's had some revisions done, if you know what I mean.

My girlfriend is constantly telling me about tutorials she's in where the teacher gives more time to men than women in the class, and seeks out their input more than the women. It's a system that feeds itself.

You'd have loved my cousin, Stabsy McStarington. 'Course, he's no longer with us.

As someone who thought Bernie would be a good presidential candidate, I'm a little disappointed that he didn't get selected, but seriously, fuck all those people who thought that talking over or booing the BLM speakers was appropriate.

"Harrison, you're a very lucky man. You could have died."
"Whoa, Doc, I think I feel something…"
"What is it? Are you okay?"
"For a second there I … I almost gave a fuck. Wow, I haven't felt like that in years."

"Now I am the foodle."


Well, goodnight son.

And yet later he tweets a picture of himself drinking a Trump Tower Blue Milk Smoothie saying, "I love Tantooinians!"