
I don't know, I had a lot of problems with her. She's always telling her kids they cant talk to her and then not listening to them, and she picks the lock of her daughter's room to get in. Stuff like that really bothers me, because I know people who lived in households like that and it fucked them up.

"Here's Johnny!"

Yeah, one of my biggest problems, and related to the primary character thing, is that Barb, who dies alone, terrified, in the dark, doesn't get the mourning of the town or a wave of concern, and her mother gets one scene and no one talks about her again. I mean, I understand the need to be economical with your

In that case, the NRA should lobby to get more Democrats elected. It'd boost the sales of the people they actually represent, and no matter how anti-gun a given Democrat is, history has shown they ain't changing shit when it comes to gun laws.

Revolutionary Fury Road took the series in some strange new directions.

Are you related to Elle McPerson?

"Don't over-handle the meat" is the same advice my mother gave me.

"Disgusted And Peckish At The Same Time" is McDonald's new slogan.

Don't worry about it.

Same, except I generally can't stand mayo despite being as white as they come.

I'm still learning about America's treasure trove of beloved snack foods. I remember when I found out Slim Jims were jerky and not some kind of candy.

I don't think he's handsome.

And the Chupacabra.

It did some films in the 70s that it would rather people didn't know about.

It really is the show for nonplussed cashiers ringing up odd purchases.

Dustin's quickly become my favourite. Every reaction is so on point.

Eggos are waffles? I'm an Australian and I had no idea what they were. I was imagining some bizarre egg-flavoured snack-bar.


The first time she turned up all I could think of was Tilda Swinton in .Moonrise Kingdom'. "You are the two most incompetent custodians Social Services has seen in a twenty year career."
