
And best known for TV series 'Biffy: the Zombie Inconveniencer'.

Also, for all that it was a stunt, the Death of Superman story in the comics had the weight of the whole world watching as the hero they loved gave everything he had in a fight to stop something that could kill the whole world. It was about seeing the ultimate symbol of strength and hope fall. And I haven't seen the

There's that powerful moment where Jeff Daniels' character tells his staff they shouldn't report on the Gulf of Mexico spill, because if they do people will be afraid of them or something.

Cricket Kiev is my favourite dish.

One of my favourite bits of commentary ever was (I think) Ken Keeler saying "Fry's thought processes are often elusive."

ABRA ABRA CA … dabra …

Killmonger? I just killmet 'er!

Meanwhile, the Peaceloves over in Westchester? I've never cared for them.

"Have a nice day now. SO SAYS DOOM!"

Killmonger is an Icelandic name. It means "unsubtly named antagonist".

"I'll call myself Doctor Von Doom! No, wait, I don't like the flow of that. How about just … Doctor Doom! Yes, there's nothing wrong with that!"

You say "hadncuff", but maybe actors, even great ones, do these films just because they're fun? Even if you're an Oscar winner who enjoys getting to portray complex, challenging roles, I imagine there's a thrill to being able to play a large, over-the-top character. If acting is something you do for a living I imagine

That bodyguard from 'Civil War' had about two seconds of film time and yet is burned into my brain. Talk about presence.

I read somewhere that after having such a physical role in '12 Years a Slave', Nyong'o specifically requested to voice a CGI character so that she didn't have to appear bodily in TFA.

I kind of stumbled into that by accident, but it is pretty annoying when you're suddenly posting comments under a different username. The continuity of my snark has been besmirched!

"I've told you a thousand times! We need more Dane Cook DNA in the formula!"

Are you trying to say that 'Yogi Bear' was not a generation defining, iconic piece of cinematic brilliance? Because that's a tough sell, buddy.

His bumbling ineptitude teaches children not to be afraid of the Martian menace, and they should! The Red Hordes approach! The fillings in my teeth tell me they'll be here any day now!

*gives thumbs up sign*
